Peace! I’m Sateesh, the Director.
I direct & write films.
My mission is to stimulate personal growth, healing and development using insights drawn from the arts and ancient wisdom.
I devote my energy to this calling out of a love for humankind. I believe that no matter what we’ve done or been through – there remains an intelligent light inside us urging us toward freedom and fulfillment.
When people are living in active response to their highest calling, destiny and purpose for being, I think we’ll find ourselves on the path to genuine world peace. This is what interests me.
As it stands now, so many people feel boxed in or trapped in their lives. There’s a restlessness within because there’s something inside, whispering – “there’s more to life than this.”
“Most of us are slaves of the stories we unconsciously tell ourselves about our lives. Freedom begins the moment we become conscious of the plot line we are living, and with this insight, recognize that we can step into another story altogether.” ~Carol S. Pearson, The Hero Within
Life is a Performing Art.
Use Compass & Legends to Define Your Part.
I created Compass & Legends because the very same studies that help directors create alternate realities, writers craft powerful plots and actors move in and out of characters can help anyone in search of their inner hero, find it and fly.
Compass & Legends is my way of serving up valuable tools and insights from my profession that can help people view and craft their lives as conscious, living works of art. We. Are. All. Stars.
What’s in a Name?
Compass – Magnetized to Purpose
Every seeker, adventurer or explorer can use a good compass.
But the compass I’m referring to with Compass & Legends is not simply an external compass that shows you true north.
It’s also an internal compass that shows you the direction you must travel in order to unite with your true purpose.
Everyone has this compass inside them that magnetizes them toward their purpose – but you have to go in search of it.
Legends – Alive With Guidance
Most of the time, when we think about legends – we think about people in epic stories from cultures far & wide or people whose lives embody the essence of a period of time. Certainly that’s a part of the meaning of Compass & Legends, but I also think that our ancestors are legends. In fact, without their story, we cannot tell our own.
If we’re lucky enough to know about the people that came before us, their stories can give us invaluable guidance and direction. Clearly, it would be naive to think that everyone’s journey has been stereotypically positive. Maybe they made major mistakes, or even committed terrible crimes. But no matter what they did – for better or worse – their story & legend teaches us something about the human condition. Some legends on the map of life reveal the coordinates of buried treasure. Others reveal trap doors to a personal hell.
Deciphering the legends on the map of history helps us to improve our own ability to navigate the challenges we face on our journey.
Legends of Our Own Time
Legends are not just old stories from an ancient era or for people that have passed away.
History is alive & every day you add another page to the story of your life. Regardless of what you do, you will leave behind a legacy.
At some point, someone in another time, will inevitably seek your story. It could be people from your immediate family or it could be the entire world.